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St Senan's National School, Foynes, Co. Limerick

News Nuacht

2020/2021 School Year

23rd Apr 2021
This week we learned about snails. Snails are nocturnal. This means that they like...
22nd Apr 2021
We wrote our feelings down on a piece of paper. We made paper aeroplanes using the...
21st Apr 2021
We are busy bees reading in 3rd and 4th. Accelerated Reader is back up and running....
19th Apr 2021
Last Thursday, we went for a walk to the stony beach thanks to the great weather....
14th Apr 2021
On Monday, it was great to be back at school after the Easter holidays. We're delighted...
14th Apr 2021
Yesterday we went to the playground with Mrs. O' Halloran and Mr. Lyng. We had lots...
13th Apr 2021
TLC Team Limerick Clean Up.  We cleaned up around the school and St. Senan's...
13th Apr 2021
We dressed up as our favourite characters for World Book Day. We got book tokens...
12th Apr 2021
Hi Everyone Welcoming you all to our new website.. We are looking forward to...
12th Apr 2021
Hi, we are 3rd and 4th class. This is our first post. We are reading 'Stanley' by...