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St Senan's National School, Foynes, Co. Limerick

News Nuacht

2021/2022 School Year

3rd Feb 2022
Yesterday morning, we began to learn all about coding on Scratch with Daniel. ...
3rd Feb 2022
Over the last few days, we learned all about St. Brigid, who is one of the patron...
22nd Dec 2021
Yum! We enjoyed the nicest hot chocolate by the virtual fire listening to Mrs.O...
15th Dec 2021
Classes from Juniors to 4th enjoyed a Christmas Quiz today which was kindly organised...
14th Dec 2021
Santa Claus visited our school today and arrived in his sleigh.  There was...
14th Dec 2021
All classes went to Bunratty to the Christmas trail of lights. We all had a wonderful...
13th Dec 2021
13th Dec 2021. We had the BEST day out in Bunratty today. Thanks to our bus driver...
3rd Dec 2021
Mr. O Sullivan and his children came to visit us today. They showed us how to use...
1st Dec 2021
Look at the gorgeous houses we made!
12th Nov 2021
This week we enjoyed investigating and experimenting as part of science week. We...