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St Senan's National School, Foynes, Co. Limerick

Children's Rights

23rd Feb 2023
  • We did a great online workshop with the Ark Dublin called "Be seen, be heard." This workshop with the artist Róisín enabled us to create vibrant posters to ensure our rights are both seen heard. She also answered our many curious questions about what life as an artist is like. She showed us her favourite 3d piece she made- 'The Secret Keeper' and had a 2d drawing of a spiral staircase which she drew while looking at a spiral staircase-she didn't look at the page once! Niall Collins TD called in to Mrs O Grady's class about the Foynes-Limerick railway and we told him all about our rights. We asked him questions about working with the government.  Then we had a rally around the yard and we visited all the classes to tell all the pupils about it!