Access Keys:

St Senan's National School, Foynes, Co. Limerick

Mission Statement

The child is the reason détre of the school and is central to all our activities as a team.

The child’s welfare is our prime concern and all other considerations are subordinate to it.

            Our primary aim is to give the child the help and the facilities which will enable him/her to develop physically, mentally, emotionally morally spiritually and socially in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity.

            For the full and harmonious development of the child’s personality he/she needs love, understanding and care.  These shall underline our approach to him/her.

            We wish our school to be a place where pupils are happy and fulfilled, motivated and challenged in a caring and secure environment.  We wish our pupils to be socially aware, morally courageous with a keen sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and others.  We hope that all pupils will reach their full potential academically, that each pupil would be proficient at oral language and self-expression, be literate and numerate and acquire computer skills.

            We would like to have this vision achieved in an open, caring, non-threatening, relaxed environment, which is adequately resourced.

            The best interest of the child shall be our guiding principle.  His/her right to play and recreation shall be directed to further the aims of his/her education.

            The child shall be brought up in a spirit of tolerance, friendship, peace and universal brotherhood and in full consciousness that his/her energy and talents shall be devoted to the service of his fellow man. 

            It is of paramount importance that all are treated with equal care, affection, respect and consistency.

            We shall explain our aim to the parents, take full account of their views, enlist their co-operation and endeavour to influence their attitudes in a positive way.