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St Senan's National School, Foynes, Co. Limerick

News Nuacht - 3rd/4th - Mrs Gill O Grady

2020/2021 School Year

15th Jun 2021
On Thursday 10th of June, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th went on a school tour to UL Adventure...
20th May 2021
It is raining today. We were not able to go out for our non stop run! Joe Wick to...
19th May 2021
Circle time is so much fun, especially when we have it outside! We read chapter...
13th May 2021
We love playing oral language games in 3rd and 4th class. We play Squashed Tomatoes,...
30th Apr 2021
We are in the middle of an Art Project called ‘Under the Sea’. We are...
30th Apr 2021
Tomorrow is the 1st of May. We have made a May Alter in our classroom. We coloured...
22nd Apr 2021
We wrote our feelings down on a piece of paper. We made paper aeroplanes using the...
21st Apr 2021
We are busy bees reading in 3rd and 4th. Accelerated Reader is back up and running....
14th Apr 2021
Yesterday we went to the playground with Mrs. O' Halloran and Mr. Lyng. We had lots...
12th Apr 2021
Hi, we are 3rd and 4th class. This is our first post. We are reading 'Stanley' by...